Some people run for a certain finish time. Others want hit a distance or number of races. This is my long-term running goal and its inspiration.
Pushing through when things (runs or life) get hard is sometimes just that: HARD. But that doesn’t mean impossible. Here’s how I do it.
Those days when it seems the odds aren’t in our favor and everything is going wrong happen to all of us. How we cope in those times is what separates us.
The definition of “high mileage” varies among runners. What’s consistent is how it feels to set that distance PR. Here’s what mine was like.
The path to becoming a marathoner is not always linear, or as simple as signing up and training. Here’s my story AND my why for doing it.
Marathon training cycles are always full of milestone potential. During Week 9 I hit the highest mileage I ever have and this is how it felt.
Learning to tell the difference between your body adapting to improved fitness and a backslide in progress can be hard. Here’s my experience during Week 8.
Every marathon cycle has benchmark runs to see how you are progressing. Here’s what mine looked like in Week 7 and what led up to it in Week 6.
Sometimes we learn from others’ mistakes and sometimes we only learn lessons the hard way: by making them ourselves. Welcome to my Week 5.
Week 3 of marathon training had me obsessing over paces, which only made training that much harder. Here’s what I’ve learned about why comparing paces is an emotional landmine.