I intend to become a millionaire. (She says in her power pose stance.)

That, my friends, is Step 1 to actually becoming a millionaire.

In order to become a millionaire you must first say it. Out loud. To the ones out who will keep you accountable AND cheer you on along the way. We all need cheerleaders in life, but particularly in entrepreneurship.

We are not meant to do it alone and so it’s imperative to find the cheerleaders  who will support you and not give you “but just in case it doesn’t work out…” statements that only counteract the energy you are creating around you.

Now, after reading that first statement, I bet you had one of 3 responses:

  1. Well clearly. Tell me something I don’t know about Channing. (You are my people)
  2. Hell yeah you will! (You are also my people.)
  3. Uh huh, we’ll see. Lots of people want to be millionaires but saying it is really different from actually becoming it. (I’ll get to y’all in a minute. )

Let me address each of these responses and how they factor in, then I’ll get into Step 2.

Response 1: Well clearly. Tell me something I don’t know Channing.

Yes you are my people. Why? Because you are the ones who remind me of what I have to offer even when imposter syndrome starts to cloud my brain. You are the ones who never scoff when I articulate a goal because you fully expected it from me anyways.

You are the ones who believe in not just what I offer the world, but in ME. The actual person I am as a whole, not just the curated one I share on social media.

(And yes my social media is curated. There is a difference between being 100% authentic and being 100% transparent. Boundaries are important friends.)

Everyone needs you in their lives. Everyone needs a person, or 20, or 200 that wholeheartedly believes in them no matter what. Especially if those people intend to shoot high and make a big splash in this world, two things I believe everyone with millionaire intentions has in their mind.

Response 2: Hell yeah you will!

You are also my people. You are the ones who don’t immediately jump to the 20 questions of HOW I am going to accomplish this goal, you just believe I will.

Everyone with millionaire intentions also needs you in their lives. The people who will simply show up and support for the sole reason of believing in you. They don’t need a full explanation as to how you will do it or necessarily why you want to become a millionaire. You simply said you wanted to become one and so they support you. THAT is powerful.

That takes the energy those of us with millionaire intentions are putting into our ecosystem and amplifies it.

Response 3: Uh huh, we’ll see. Lots of people want to be millionaires but saying it is really different from actually becoming it.

You also matter. You matter for two reason:

  1. The reality of life is that there will ALWAYS be naysayers. There will always be someone who is skeptical you can achieve a goal. That means you also provide me with an opportunity to strengthen my own mental resolve & determination. After a while, you won’t bother me (or anyone else.)
  2. You provide fuel to my fire. My determination to prove you wrong will light the blaze of work/creativity/focus when I need it most and inevitably doubt myself. (I may be confident & determined in business but I am still human.)

Now let’s get to Step 2 of Becoming a Millionaire:

Do. The. Work.

Yep, again I am going straight to the point and here’s why: there is NO shortcut to it! Unless you win the lottery or have a flash infusion of inheritance coming our way, every millionaire I have read about, heard in interviews or spoken to personally says the same thing:

To become a millionaire, you have to do the work.

Yes you can definitely get some processes in place, and even some automation, to make it an efficient business that scales but it all comes down to doin the work.

Those who become millionaires are not wasting their time looking for a shortcut or a hack. They are looking for mentors who tell it like it is, give them some helpful tips and resources then actually sit down and do the work to implement said tips in their own business.

That is the second step to becoming a millionaire – a step I am now off to implement myself.


Channing Muller is an award winning marketing & public relations consultant and the Principal & Founder of DCM Communications, based out of Chicago. She works with event professionals and business owners to grow and scale their businesses with refined marketing & PR strategies that connect to sales through effective communications. She has been named a "25 Young Event Pro to Watch" by Special Events magazine and "40 Under 40" by Connect Meetings. Channing is an avid runner, lover of Labrador Retrievers, never misses a photo booth opportunity, and is an advocate for the American Heart Association.

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